About Loftly
At the end of 2014 after our study, we started with Loftly, our own company. With our background in Business Administration and Real Estate we started from scratch in the short-stay rental. With one apartment, a good mood and no experience, we have now built up a nice portfolio and gained the necessary experience.
We are Loftly, a short-stay rental agency. Loftly relieves the homeowner or investor who (temporarily) wants to rent out their home but does not have the time to manage it themselves. We take over all aspects of the (temporary) rental process. Renting a local home is a nice alternative for many expats or international students for the often standard hotel experience if they have to be in Rotterdam for a few months. It is the perfect opportunity to experience an unknown city as a local and to feel at home.
When we first started with Loftly we were actually a kind of Airbnb manager. At that time we rented many homes as holiday rentals, so especially nights and sometimes weeks. At the beginning of 2018, a nationwide Airbnb policy came into effect that made it possible to rent out private homes 60 nights per year through Airbnb and other websites like this. The most important condition is that the main occupant must be registered at the rental address. Since we also rent out a number of properties for investors, Airbnb rental for these customers was not longer possible. That is why we actually largely switched to short-stay rentals from a month on a contract basis. Since then we have been renting all our apartments on a temporary basis from a month to a maximum of two years. We noticed immediately that there is also a lot of demand for this kind of renting and that only a few rental agencies offer short-stay.
We continuously try to improve our services and strengthen our brand. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us. We are open to all kinds of collaborations and concepts.